The afternoon gathering of Lamerhav participants, graduates, staff, directors, and guests kicked off with a fun activity: creating unique compost planters. The program continued with a presentation by Nili, a Lamerhav graduate, who told the graduates about the launch of her organization, which provides assistance to multidimensional families.
As the sun began to set, we walked into the field for a tree planting ceremony with the soon-to-be graduates. Each one planted a tree along with his or her mentor, in the Avenue of Lamerhav Graduates. Later on, the ceremony continued on stage, with masters of ceremony Keren and Eli, two program participants. Shula and Adi gave speeches, called this year’s graduates to the stage to receive their certificate and a gift, and to pose one last group picture before “heading out into the world”.
This year a large number of graduates took part in the ceremony – many thanks are due to Nili Gezira for facilitating their attendance at the celebration. We welcomed graduates from as far back as nine years ago and all the way through last year’s class – we were thrilled to see them all.
Thanks to Dima and Yaron, two Lamerhav participants who launched Panino, a catering business, and prepared a delicious feast for us. Thank you also to Yavel, the Lamerhav participant in charge of the evening’s musical program, and many thanks to all who gave of their time and effort to make the event a success!