Michael Beck

Michale Beck, a Lamerhav graduate, is studying sculpting, painting and drawing at Bezalel Academy and is still debating his direction in the art world. “It’s very dynamic and evolving”, he says. “I’ve been in boarding schools since age 5, and that was really my starting point and my grasp on life and has given me […]
Ester Friedman

My name is Ester Friedman and I’m a graduate of Lamerhav 2015. I joined the program thanks to my high school guidance counselor, who luckily for me, saw me, my needs, and my abilities, and believed that a supportive and accepting environment would enable me to advance to a better place in life. Over the […]
Bella Alexandrov

What does Lamerhav mean to me? It means taking a deep breath, taking the time to think, and a moment just “to be”. It means lying in a hammock or eating a chocolate chip cookie, and feeling that I’m equal, that someone cares about me, that I’m worth something, loved, and worthy of the opportunities […]
Arik Leyuchin

My name is Arik, I’m 28 and I’m from Holon. I’m in my 4th year studying accounting and I also work part time. In 2015, two years after my military service, I decided I wanted to learn how the business world is run. I was very curious about this field and so, following a lot […]
Tatiana Machlinovsky
Tatiana Machlinovsky immigrated to Israel with her family and following her parents’ breakup her father returned to Russia, leaving behind a great deal a debt, which forced her mother to send her to a state boarding school. Today it turns out that transferring to the boarding school was one of the best things that ever […]
The Power of Positive Psychology

Last week, Lamerhav participants from all stages attended an event that included a fascinating presentation on the topic of “Positive Psychology” by Shirley Kogan of the Maytiv Center at the IDC Herzliyah. The young adults learned about focusing on the positives in their lives and the event concluded with a meditation session, a breathing exercise, […]