We gathered together, at-risk young adults and graduates, Lamerhav’s past and present members of staff and management, to celebrate, remember, part ways, cherish and to keep on dreaming, in a very emotional and intimate evening.
We began the evening with a flower-arranging workshop that adorned and colored us in an array of colors. Then, we continued to the traditional event of planting trees in the “Graduates Avenue”, where each graduate, who completes the program and goes out into the world, leaves his mark with his own unique tree, which he plants in the avenue together with his mentor.
At sunset we gathered for the ceremony, hosted by Vera and Saba, two participants of the program. The ceremony featured a summary of the year, greetings and awarding certificates and gifts to the graduates going out into the world. Irina Kayakova spoke on behalf of the graduates.
The evening ended with an emotional and spontaneous event, when Shula Mozes invited Reut Bashari, a graduate of Lamerhav, to sing with her the song “Who is the Man” ((“מי האיש”, based on Psalms 34.
We would like to thank everyone who took part in the event, in its production and contribution to it: ‘Nadav Desserts’ and ‘Wilheim Bakery’ for donating the cakes, ‘Ilan’s’ for donating the sandwiches, and to our partners, who are with us every step of the way.
** Photos courtesy of Anton from SelfieBox