At the end of September 2019, a unique chat group was opened for released soldiers on the topic of utilization of employee rights. The group deals with labor rights and offers a forum where they can ask questions and receive important information in a professional and accessible platform. The group is actively led by Adi Landau, Lamerhav’s CFO.
The group operates within the framework of the ‘Shivilim Bamerhav’ (Paths) program, created in a partnership between Lamerhav, the Gross Foundation and the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services. The objective of the program is to make the services and responses available to all the released lone soldiers, who are in need of a response.
The program contacts the young adults once they are released from the army, and assists each lone soldier by tailoring solutions to the needs that he stated in the questionnaire. The center refers all soldiers to ‘Yated’, the national program for at-risk young adults, and also provides other appropriate responses.
The objective of the program is to make the services and responses available to all the released lone soldiers, who are in need of a response.
The program includes:
- Individually tailored guidance program: some of the young adults are referred to long-term programs (such as Lamerhav), some are referred to concrete short-term programs – all according to their need.
- Financial planning and management workshops: digital workshops for small groups (up to 6 in a group) on topics such as workers’ rights, how to manage the financial affairs with the banks, consumerism and more.
- Rights and Services Information Center: Exclusively open to released lone soldiers, who can benefit from unique sources of information that are currently being used only by those working in the field of at-risk young adults.
This program is offered to every released lone soldier for a period of four years. Even if there is no immediate need for assistance, the young adult can use the program’s services in the future.
For additional information, please contact Shani Lomas, the program’s manager at 054-935-3050.
Please register in advance in the following link: