Our Partners

At Lamerhav we value cooperation and our partners. The success of the many programs the organization operates and partners in, is due to the excellent cooperation it has with private philanthropists and foundations in Israel and abroad, local government, non-profit social organizations, and governmental agencies, who all work for the advancement of at-risk young adults.

One example of a jointly operated program is the “Working Together” initiative, in which Lamerhav has collaborated with the Ministry of Social Welfare and Services and a wide philanthropic partnership from Israel and abroad, and headed by Shula Mozes. This initiative aims to integrate at-risk young adults from southern Israel into quality employment and mentor them through this process.

Additionally, Lamerhav is a member of the National Forum of Organizations for At-risk Young Adults, which encompasses 23 organizations working for raising awareness, increasing services, and promoting solutions for young men and women at risk.

Our Partners:

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